Wednesday, September 8, 2010

pictures of the yumminess...

I guess it would help you to further imagine the yumminess that we offer
 if you were to actually see some of our creations! 

Sooo, here's just a sample of some of the mouth watering goodies we have already created.

I don't think that slideshow did the goodies justice!

Here's a closer look...

not BIG enough? ok, here you go...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

cake pops

I first saw cake pops by an awesome blogger bakerella.  I thought these little things and the way she designed them were soooo cute.  I decided to make some for my family and we had some extra's (I'm on a Medifast diet, otherwise I would eat them all myself!) so I had my husband take them to work.  And so it started, his coworkers asked him if I could make some for them and that they would pay I made some more, and, yup, they paid me!

My sister, Donna,  and I had talked about opening up a business years ago, but we both said, "I would do it, but I don't know how to do the business part.. I just bake and make cards..."  so our plans always went on the backburner. 

I made a couple more arrangements and posted the pictures on my Facebook page.   I got a lot of great encouraging comments telling me I should start a business, then one day my cousin, Christine, sends me a text that basically said, if we want to start something, she could take care of the business part of it!  "Holy Moly!", I thought.  I quickly told my sister, and things just started coming together from there.  We all have a love for baking AND making homemade cards, so we decided to incorporate all of that into our business. 

So, here we are, all baking, trying out new recipes, giving out samples and making greeting cards.   We've already got a couple of orders lined up for the rest of the year and early next year.  We are so excited to start this family buisness and are soooo greatful to all our family and friends who have already shown so much support.  Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own little bakery/store someday!!!  We're keeping our fingers crossed! :D  

-Jennifer Anne

Thanks for reading our blog!!!  Check back soon for our brochure & price list!!!  If you have any questions, contact us at

jo.anne.michelle precious greets & tasty treats

Creating handmade cards and baking delicious treats for our loved ones has been something the three of us have enjoyed doing since we were young children.  At gatherings after dinner, we would take over the kitchen and make wonderful and delicious cakes and cookies to share with our family.  These traditions have continued over the years with our own families. And now, we are happy to be able to share these traditions with you.

-Christine jo, Jennifer anne, and Donna michelle